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Seyitoğlu, G., Kazancı, N., Fodor, L., Karakuş, K., Araz, H. and Karadenizli, L., 1997, Does continuous compressive tectonic regimeexist during Late Palaeogene to Neogene in NW central Anatolia, Turkey – Preliminary observations. TUBITAK-Turkish Jour. Earthsciences , 6: 77-83
Kazancı, N., İleri, Ö., Varol, B. and Ergin,M., 1998, On the significance of small-scale and short-lived air-escape structures for the destruction of primary sedimentary laminations in the Colakli beach deposits, Gulf of Antalya, Turkey (Eastern Mediterranean). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 47: 181-190.
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Şen, S., Seyitoğlu, G., Karadenizli, L., Kazancı, N., Varol, B., Araz, H., 1998, Mammal biochronology of Neogene deposits and its correlation with the lithostratigraphy in Çankırı-Çorum basin, Central Anatolia-Turkey. Eclogoe Geol. Helv. 91, 307-320.
Nemec, W., Kazancı, N. and Mitchell, G., 1998, Pleistocene explosions and pyroclastic surges in west-central Anatolia. BOREAS 27, 311-332.
Kazancı, N., Emre, Ö., Erkal, T., İleri, Ö., Ergin, M., Görür, N., 1999, Kocasu ve Gönen Çayı deltalarının (Marmara Denizi) güncel morfolojileri ve tortul fasiyesleri, MTA Dergisi, 121, 33-50.
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Kazancı, N., Şen, S., Seyitoğlu, G., Boris, L. de, Bouvrain, G., Araz, H., Varol, B., Karadenizli, L., 1999, Geology of a new late Miocene mammal locality in Central Anatolia, Turkey, Compt Rendus de l’ Academie des Sciences IIa- Earth and Planetary Sciences 329: 503-510.
Kazancı, N., Celik, E.A., Emre, O., İleri, Ö., Varol, B., Erkmen,C., 2000, Marmara Denizi guneyinde fosilli Gec Kuvaterner tortullarının sedimantolojisi. MTA-Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılı Madencilik ve Jeoloji Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabi s.193-208, Ankara
Karadenizli, L. ve Kazancı, N., 2000, Cankırı-Corum Havzasındaki paleo-yükselti ve alt havzalar. MTA Cumhuriyetin 75. Yılı Madencilik ve Jeoloji Kongresi Bildirileri Kitabı s. 209-228
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Kazanci, N. ve İleri, O., 2000, Pekişmemiş ince taneli tortullarda sedimanter yapı incelemeleri için kolay ve ucuz “kabuk kesit” tekniği. H.U. Yerbilimleri Dergisi 22, 261-264.
Özdoğan, M., Şahbaz, A. Kazancı, N., 2000, Marmara Denizi güneyinde Orta-Geç Miyosen alüvyal yelpaze sisteminin depolanma ve fasiyes özellikleri. Türkiye Jeol. Bült. 43 59–73.
Kazanci, N., Emre, O., M.C. Alcicek, 2000, Animal burrowing and associated formation of large dessication cracks as factor of a rapid restoration of soil cover in flooded farmlands. Environmental Geology 41, 964-968.
Seyitoğlu, G., Kazancı, N. Karadenizli, L., Şen, Ş. And Varol, B., Rock–fall avalanche deposits of Pliocene in Çankırı-Çorum Basin and its tectonic implications. Terra Nova 12, 245-251.
Maas, M.C., Thewissen, J.G.M., Sen, S., Kazanci, N., Kappelman, J., 2001, Enigmatic new ungulates from the early middle Eocene of central anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Vertabrate Paleontology 21, 578-590.
Leroy S., Kazanci N., Ileri Ö., Kibar M., Emre, O., McGee E. and Griffiths H. I., 2002, A Byzantine seismic event recorded in the sediment of Lake Manyas on the southern coast of the Sea of Marmara (N-W Turkey). Marine Geology 190, 531-552.
Varol, B., Araz, H, Karadenizli, L, Kazanci, N., Seyitoglu, G., Sen, S., 2002, Sedimentology of the Miocene evaporitic succession in the north of Cankiri-Corum basin, central Anatolia, Turkey. Carbonates and Evaporites, 17, 240-253.
Kazanci,N., 2002, Review the volume of “Dynamics of Rockslides and Rockfalls by T.H. Erismann & G. Abele, Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, N.Y”. Jour Sedimentary Research Homepage, http://spot.colorado.edu/~jsedr/, Book Reviews, 2 pp.
Aliyev, S.A, Varol, B., Ali-Zade, A, Ergin, M, Kazanchy, 2002, Correlation between oxygen and carbon isotopic copositions of fossil shell carbonates and trace element ddistribution in the late quaternary shelf sedients of the southern Marmara Sea. Geochemistry International 40, 672-684 Translated from Geokhimiya no 7, 742-758.
Karadenizli, L.., Seyitoğlu, G., Saraç, G., Kazancı, N., Şen, Ş., Hakyemez, Y., Savaşçı, D., 2003, Early Middle Miocene palaeogeographic evolution of the western margin of Cankırı-Corum Basin, central Anatolia, Turkey. MTA Dergisi 126, 69-86 (in English and Turkish).
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Kazancı N., Leroy S., Ileri O., Emre O., Kibar, M. and Oncel, S., 2004 , Late Holocene erosion in NW Anatolia from sediments of Lake Manyas, Lake Ulubat and the southern shelf of the Marmara Sea, Turkey. Catena 57, 277-308.
Kazanci, N., Gulbabazadeh, T., Leroy, S., Ileri, O. 2004, Sedimentary and environmental characteristics of the Gilan-Mazenderan plain, northern Iran: influence of long- and short-term Caspian water level fluctuations on geomorphology. Journal of Marine Systems 46, 145-168.
G. Seyitoglu, N. Kazancı, L. Karadenizli, S. Sen, B. Varol and G.Sarac, 2004, Tectono-sedimentary development of western margin of Cankiri basin, entral Turkey: reply to the comment of Kaymakci 2003, Terra Nova 16, 163-165.
Alçiçek M.C. Kazanci N. Özkul M. Şen Ş. 2004. Çameli (Denizli) Neojen havzasının tortul dolgusu ve jeolojik evrimi. MTA Dergisi, 128, 109-123.
Alçiçek M.C. Kazanci N. Özkul M. 2005. Multiple rifting pulses and sedimentation pattern in the Çameli Basin, southwestern Anatolia, Turkey. In: Cenozoic Sedimentary Basins of South Central Turkey (Eds: G. Kelling, A.H.F. Robertson and F.H.P. Van Buchem), Sedimentary Geology, Special Issue, 173 (1-4), pp: 409-431.
Kazancı, N., Karadenizli, L., Seyitoglu, G., Sen, S., Alcicek, M.C., Varol, B., Sarac, G., Hakyemez, Y., 2005, Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the mammalian-bearing deposits of Neogene in the Keskin Kaman area, central Anatolia, Turkey. In: Geology, mammals and environments at Akkasdağı, late Miocene of central Anatolia (ed. Ş. Şen), Special Issue, Geodiversitas 27/4, 527-552.
Seyitoglu, G., Karadenizli, L., Kazancı, N., Sen, S., Saraç, G., 2005, The position of the Akkaşdağı fossil locality in the neo-tectonic framework of Çankırı Basin. In: Geology, mammals and environments at Akkasdağı, late Miocene of central Anatolia (ed. Ş. Şen), Special Issue, Geodiversitas 27/4, 519-526.
Karadenizli, L., Seyitoglu, G., Sen, S., Kazancı, N., Alçiçek, M.C., Saraç, G., 2005 Neogene tuff of the Akkaşdagı region, central Anatolia, Turkey; distribution, source constraints an geochemical characterization. In: Geology, mammals and environments at Akkasdağı, late Miocene of central Anatolia (ed. Ş. Şen), Special Issue, Geodiversitas 27/4, 553-566.
Kazancı,N., Şaroglu, F., Kırman, E., Uysal, F., 2005, Basic threats on geosites and geoheritages in Turkey. Proceedings of Second Conference on Geoheritage of Serbia, June 2004 Belgrade, pp. 149-153, Belgrade, Sebia-Montenegro.
Kazancı N., Toprak, Ö., Leroy S. A. G. , Öncel S., Ileri Ö., Emre Ö., Costa P., Erturaç, K, McGee E., 2006, Boron content of Lake Ulubat sediment: a key to interpret the morphological history of NW Anatolia, Turkey. Applied Geochemistry 21, 134-151.
Kazancı, N., 2007. Jeoparklar ve Nitelikleri. İç: Geçmişten Geleceğe Köprü; Yanık Ülke Kula Sempozyumu (1-3 Eylül 2006, Kula), Bildiriler. s. 73-82, İzmir.
Kappelman, J., Alçiçek, M.C., Kazancı, N., Schultz, M.,, Özkul, M.,, Şen, Ş. 2008. The First Homo Erectus From Turkey And İmplications For Migrations İnto Temparate Eurasia. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135, 110-116.
Seyitoğlu, G., Aktuğ, B., Karadenizli, L., Kaypak, B., Şen, Ş., Kazanci, N., N., Işik, V., Esat, K., Parlak, O., Varol1, B., Saraç, G., İleri, İ., 2009. Late Pliocene – Quaternary pinched crustal wedge in nw central Anatolia, turkey: a neotectonic structure accommodating the internal deformation of the Anatolian plate. Geologıcal Bulletin of Turkey 52, 121-154.
Kazancı, N., Dündar, S., Alçiçek, M.C., Gürbüz, A., 2009. Quaternary deposits of the Büyük Menderes Graben in western Anatolia, Turkey; implications on a river capture and the longest Holocene estuary of the Aegean Sea. Marine Gelogy 264, 165-176.
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Kazancı, N., Öncel, S., Leroy, S., İleri, Ö., Costa, P., Toprak, Ö., Sayılı, S., Turgut, C., Kibar M., 2010, Wind effect on deposition of metal ions in a shallow fresh water lacustrine system: heavy metal content of Lake Ulubat sediment, NW Anatolia, Turkey. Journal of Paleolimnology 43, 89-110.
Kazancı, N., Gürbüz, A., Boyraz, S., 2011. Büyük Menderes Nehri’nin jeolosi ve evrimi. Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 54, 25-56.
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Kazancı N., S. Boyraz, M. Özkul, M.C. Alçiçek, Y.K. Kadıoğlu, 2012. Late Holocene terrestrial tephra record at western Anatolia, Turkey: Possible evidence of an explosive eruption outside Santorini in the eastern Mediterranean. Global and Planetary Change 80, 36–50.
Kazancı, N., Şaroğlu, F., Doğan, A., Mülazımoğlu, N. 2012. Geoconservation and geoheritage in Turkey. In: European Manual for Geoheritage and its Conservation (Eds. W. Wimbledon and M. Sylvia), ProGeo Spec.Pub, Oslo, Norway, pp. 281-291.
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